Art Fairs: Panel Discussion on May 27th at Sotheby’s Institute of Art
Art Fairs: An Irresistible Force in the Art World?
Tuesday May, 27th 2014
Panel Discussion and Q & A: 6.30-8PM
Wine and Cheese Reception: 8-9 PM
Sotheby’s Institute of Art, 570 Lexington Ave, New York, NY
Register here.
Are brick and mortar art galleries the loss leaders in an art world potentially spiraling beyond viable limits? More than ninety art fairs now define the rhythm of globalized art business. This development has profoundly altered the relationships of artists, gallerists, and collectors. The Entertainment, Arts and Sports Law Section of the New York State Bar Association is holding a panel on the impacts and challenges – legal, ethical and business – of the rise of art fairs. This program is part of an initiative to create dialogue amongst lawyers and emerging and established art professionals working in the primary or secondary markets. Gallerist Elizabeth Dee will report on the chances and risks that the art fairs impose, in light of the ambitious expansion that her gallery has recently embraced and her perspective as Co-Founder of the art fair, Independent, New York. Attorney Richard M. Lehun of Stropheus Art Law will examine the plethora of ethical and business issues that art fair participants confront. Attorney Nicholas M. O'Donnell, a litigation partner at Sullivan & Worcester LLP, will present on the legal issues that art fairs carry with them. Gallerist Edward Winkleman will offer an overview of the research he is conducting on art fairs in preparation for his upcoming book "Selling Contemporary Art: How to Navigate the Evolving Market" (Allworth Press). The panel will be moderated by attorney, educator, mediator, and arbitrator Judith B. Prowda, Faculty at Sotheby’s Institute of Art and author of Visual Arts and the Law: A Handbook for Professionals (Lund Humphries 2013).
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