

Hes­i­tat­ing or uncer­tain about how to work with your attor­ney to be cost efficient?

stropheus is a collective of New York art lawyers & art busi­ness specialists offering unbundled services to Artists, Gallerists, Collectors, and Muse­ums. This means that we discuss how you can take on as much of the work as possible, significantly reducing costs and producing more bespoke outcomes. Clients have different budget options depending on how much they are able to do themselves, and the degree of representation that Stropheus assumes. Stropheus was created to avoid the pitfalls of corporate law firms, and to pro­duce more value and transparency for our clients.

Will talking to a lawyer undermine your relationships?

The work of the Stropheus team and the identity of our clients is kept strictly confidential to the maximum extent allowed by law. Consultations with our attorneys and business professionals can take place without the risk of negatively affecting existing business or legal relationships.

Overwhelmed by the question of which attorney or art business professional to turn to?

The Stropheus team combines the expertise of practitioners in the areas of art business transactions, copyright, intellectual property, licensing, fiduciary obligations, for­eign and domestic taxation, trusts and estates, moral rights, commercial litigation, real property litigation, and immigration law. The Stropheus team has decades of experience finding holistic solutions to the specific challenges of art professionals.

Don’t have time to meet your attorney at locations that take you away from your livelihood?

You can use your computer or smartphone to have a secure virtual face-to-face meeting via Clickmeeting™ with a specialist anytime it is convenient for you. stropheus also streamlines document exchange through Mycase™, an online platform that allows encrypted communication and documents to be accessed from any com­puter with internet access. This means you can update and work with Stropheus from anywhere at any time.

Does the prospect of a murky legal struggle prevent you from resolving important issues?

stropheus is at the forefront of alternative dispute resolution, mediation and arbitration. We can help to reframe and facilitate new approaches to issues, enabling parties to achieve enhanced outcomes without litigation.

Relationships define who you are in the art world

It has never been more important to ensure that the complex relationships that you rely on are adequately understood and protected. stropheus is your resource to ensuring that the art business relationships you engage in are what they could be.


Contact Stropheus
